Monday, April 15, 2013

Email 4/5/13

Hey Mother! 
President Miller called me on Saturday while we were doing a baptismal interview for one of the sister's investigators. He just told me my grandpa wasn't doing good and gave me the two options. I chose to write him. I was hoping I had grandmas email, which I do at the house but I forgot it. I will write him a letter. I am glad to hear that dad went. I'm surprised, but that is good. I have been praying for him. Aww I know my girl got released! I will miss hearing from Elaine Dalton. Is Staci the one who is LDS? That is nice of you. I'm glad my room is going to good use. Well that was nice of President Miller to speak so nicely of me. I am doing awesome. I loved my easter box and birthday box! Thank you so much. I gave everyone in my district a picture of Jesus! I do love my CD. Thank You! I don't think my companion likes it as much, but that is ok. I watched conference at the Holmes' on Saturday and the Gilbert's on Sunday morning, then when my companion went to Sunday afternoon session so I went with another companionship to their area to a member's home. All the conference talks were wonderful! I liked the one about the priesthood Saturday morning. Teaching is going alright. We are looking for more people to teach. No mustache moments yet. Watching conference as a missionary is the same. I had more questions to look for because I wanted some of our investigators questions to get answered. It's crazy how many missionaries there are out and that will be out in the future! It's awesome. 
That picture of Jesus Christ looks so nice on my desk. Tuesday out district went to the Draper temple and it was wonderful! Here is a picture and two other from last week that I forgot to send! So every morning we have zone work out at one of the churches. We went to our stake center and the fire alarm was going off and in one of the foyers it smelt like something was burning. So the stake president came with an electrician. Thankfully there was no fire or anything. So yesterday Elder Binger (the missionary I was with while his companion was coming back from conference and mine was going to conference) were at our house doing companion study. Sister Bell was on a walk with a friend and they came back because Sister Bell wasn't really making any sense with what she was saying. Her friend called Sister Bell's son. We had to get going so we left. When we came back there was a note that they took Sister Bell to the hospital for stroke like symptoms and we talked to the neighbor and I guess she was having little seizures too when she got to the hospital. She isn't going to be coming home until Wednesday. It's kinda scary. I hope she is ok because she is just the sweetest lady. 

Here is a scripture for you 1 John  4: 18-20. If you love people you are willing to share the gospel with them. If you fear and don't  but say you want to you are lying because if you really loved them you would be a missionary and invite them to act. I like that. :)
K here are some pictures. My birthday cake the sisters made me, my easter basket from the Holmes', our district at the temple, and a picture with the prophet! 
Hey so I realized I haven't told you about my district so I will even though transfers are wednesday and it will probably change. You already know my companion Elder Weight, then there is Elder Gordon from California. He has been in the same area for a year! He is training Elder Binger who came out the same time as me. He is from Pittsburgh  Then there is Sister Sparish from Louisiana. She is training Sister Leavitt from Mesa, AZ. Sister Leavitt is waiting for her visa to Argentina. She came out like two weeks after me. So yeah.. thats my district.

You are awesome! Remember  who you are and whose you are! Love you lots. Enjoy your day. Staci and her son is a great missionary opportunity! 
Love Elder Alpin

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